Sage 50 Payroll Module
Are you manually creating your Sage 50 Accounting Certified Payroll Reports in Excel? Certified Payroll will help you easily generate the required reporting for your projects and is fully integrated with Sage 50 Accounting. Projects that are publicly funded typically require the contractor to pay a prevailing wage (Davis-Bacon wage) rate for workers on the job. Then, for each payroll period, the contractor must create a certified payroll report that shows the wages paid to each worker.
MOST anyone will tell you that completing a certified payroll report on a weekly basis is a time-consuming, error-prone, and frustrating task! You need to know which paper form or electronic filing method is being used in order to be paid promptly. Don’t let anyone tell you that there is just a single certified payroll reporting form!
Here are the facts:
- 14 states require the Federal WH-347 form (or acceptable equivalent) to be filed on prevailing wage projects
- 12 states have one or more “state specific” requirements that have been derived from the Federal format
- 24 states have multiple agencies dictating prevailing wage/certified payroll requirements (each with their own special form), multiple labor compliance companies
- 20 states require certified payroll data to be electronically submitted via the web, in either a state (or agency) specific format or a nationally recognized format produced by Labor Compliance companies like MyLCM, LCPtracker, or Elation Systems.
Our existing S-report formats can be modified to comply with your reporting requirements.
Sage 50 Time Card Entry
Enter your time card hours as they appear on the time cards. You will get a report showing each employee by date and by type of hours. The hours will be updated to Sage 50 payroll as time and expense entries and downloaded to Sage 50 for processing.
Sage 50 Job Cost
You can assign Job Cost information to each line as you enter the time. You can also use Employee badges with bar code. As each employee uses their badges, the module sets up a record for the day. When they swipe the card the second time, the “out” time is added to the “in” record.
Sage 50 Payroll Module
Sage 50 Payroll Enhancements are available from BSR, Inc. To learn more about enhancing your Payroll module in Sage 50, call 800.766.6770 to speak to a Sage 50 customer support representative.