by Jennifer O'Brien | Dec 11, 2018 | Sage 50
Once the job has been created in Sage 50 Accounting Job Costing: DuringYou can apply an employee’s salary to up to 30 different jobs. For hourly employees, you can apply hours worked to a job. For salaried employees, you can apply amounts to a job. To do so,...
by Jennifer O'Brien | Dec 11, 2018 | Sage 50
First, set up your Sage 50 Job to get job costing IDs available during transaction entry. Use this procedure to set up a new job record: Click the Jobs navigation aid in the Customers & Sales Navigation Center and select New Job. Sage 50 displays the Maintain Jobs...
by Jennifer O'Brien | Dec 11, 2018 | Sage 50
When you are in entering bill or receive inventory data entry screen: For each line item, the last column on the right is titled ‘job’ Select the job and the phase and/or cost code to which this transaction applies. To do so In the Job field, click the...
by Jennifer O'Brien | Dec 11, 2018 | Software Updates
Sage Intelligence Reporting with Office 365: SI Reporting reveals the power of Sage 50c data in Excel. Customize and build a powerful report using a simple drag-and-drop design. Now with the ability to publish financial reports to the cloud and access them on your...